Rant and Rave. And sometime I do . . .

This page is a bit about me and my sometimes opinionated self.


I am a mother of 3 teenagers. Dare I say more. OK, so with that in mind you know I go insane on a daily basis.  Really, I have 2 of the most wonderful children and 1 wonderful stepson.

 I am a Registered Nurse in a Coronary Care Unit working 12 hour night shifts!
I really do like my work. It provides a level of fulfillment in being able to help others. It is like anything I suppose and has its bad days and good days. And some days, well I really mean nights are better than others.


 I am a Christian, though certainly not the example to follow as there is but one example to follow and He died some 2000 years ago for my sins that I might live forever in a place far better than this.
You can think I am simple minded if you want to for believing in a Creator God and Jesus. I really don't care that it is not the "in" thing to do. My religion is not typical though. I do accept that other's belief, or non-belief is, to them, just as sincerely held as is my own. I am of Native American (Cherokee) blood and that spirit calls to me within my soul. It is part of my "religion" as well. I call to God, the Creator, and to Jesus the Creator's son; he is my brother.




I love music. I like to listen to most any kind of music and have a varied collection. One of my all time favorite songs is "Wildflower" by Skylark. It was in the "Top Ten" in 1973. Tom Petty is probably my favorite male artist. I like Chris Isaak too.  Paula Cole and Rickie Lee Jones are my favorite female artists. I absolutely LOVE Paula Cole's version of "Jolene." It is awesome. And Rickie Lee's version of "Rebel, Rebel" is amazing to me as well as many of her other songs. My favorite band is Creed. However the band has disbanded recently and now Scott Stapp is solo. I'll have to reconsider my favorite male artist now... Anyway, I have many others artists that I really like, but these are a few at the top o' the list. As far as instrumental goes, I like Yanni.  Music moves me as it does many others I am sure. Chris Rice's song "I Can Only Imagine" truly touches the depths of my soul.

Visit my Lyrics page for some of my favorites.

My Favorite Drink

diet Coke










I am an American.
I am touched as is everyone by the past events affecting these United States of America.

We all felt so comfy and cozy in our untouched world. And now we must rethink.


I have some opinions and they are not "nice" nor politically correct.


I might be of a conservative persuasion, but I'm not completely stupid....




Past Thoughts, Opinions and Emotional Outbursts:

I think that whoever is reporting false ANTHRAX reports should be tried for treason when apprehended.
I think we should show NO MERCY to those terrorists that have attacked our nation.

Past and Present:
And furthermore, I think all those minorities of people who have a GOD complex should just shut up. If you don't want to say God when the rest of us that do want to say God then DON'T SAY IT or don't participate. But don't make it so that the rest of us that do want to acknowledge GOD can't. Our right to say and worship the Creator is just as legitimate as your right not to. 
Stop Your whining!
And don't give me the line of "Separation of Church and State." That conceptual reality has been distorted to fit a liberal anti GOD way of thinking. It never meant that GOD loving people could not say GOD in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America in the United States of America. It meant that the government could not have a state or government sponsored religion. It did not mean that people of religious conviction could not participate in government. It meant that government could not participate and dictate or govern matters of a religion. This nation was founded for RELIGIOUS freedom to worship without the dictates of a state sponsored religion. Our forefathers fought and died to give us the right to say GOD in the pledge and sing GOD BLESS AMERICA anywhere we want to. I think they would be spinning so fast, not just turning, but warp speed spinning  in their graves right now if they could see where this nation has gone. 

Some have said and do I think the attack on America could be God's judgment?  I consider the possibility. I think when I look around that this nation has turned away from the true Christian ideology of brotherly love, not completely, in that there are some God loving and non God loving people that stand for what is right, but we overall have allowed the other side to dictate to us for far to long on what we can say about God and where we can say it. We lost the desire to help our fellow man. We have love for ourselves that takes priority over all nature and human life. And now it's not right to say GOD in a public school or on a public podium.  - Turned our back on God and Creation, we did. Didn't fight for our Christian rights. Didn't stand up and say shut up when it was said that you can't hang the 10 Commandments in our schools because our children might be influenced by it. And how ridiculous is that - Oh GOD forbid (yes I said GOD, GOD, GOD, GOD, GOD.) that some child might be influenced to NOT lie, to NOT cheat  or to NOT steal,  or NOT to dishonor his or her parents or NOT to kill. Even if you don't believe in the Bible, those are still good "rules" to follow. Maybe if the boys at Columbine had been influenced by The 10 Commandments we would not have experienced that tragedy! DUH. We forgot GOD BLESS AMERICA for so long because we had it so good. So why wouldn't a righteous GOD turn his back on us? Think about it. I think the Creator cries when he realizes how far away from "the good" people have gone. Yes, Creator loves us, He is merciful but just because you love your child does not mean that you never allow them to hurt as they learn from their mistakes. Isn't it called  "tough love." Oh but that is ok to let our children learn some lessons the hard way, and as long as we don't say GOD and don't allow them to be influenced by The Ten Commandments. 

I really did not intend for this page to be so opinionated, but while I am on a roll. . .

Do we all have American Flags now?  We have those folks that don't want us to say the pledge to the flag because it has the "G" word in it, but we all have become more patriotic and probably have at least one American flag right? OK. So where was that AMERICAN FLAG made? I'll wait while you go look. 

        Tick Tock Tick Tock        

OK. Likely it was made somewhere other than the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. I did a personal study and contacted some Flag vendors and asked them where the flags they were selling were manufactured. I came to this conclusion - the majority of AMERICAN flags for sale in America are not made in America.  Let's import Nike, but to import AMERICAN FLAGS, this is sacrilegious. Let's help stimulate our economy by at least making our own American flags. I am sure that there is some out of work person in these United States of America that would appreciate and maybe even take pride in working to make American flags right now.  . . 

So you can guess that I am against job outsourcing to other countries while many Americans sit in poverty.

© Lisa Percy - Please don't use this information without my permission.




Thanks to Microsoft's Clip Art for some of the art and pictures on  my pages!

For Native American graphics, a big thanks to The Greasy Grass

Stop Bush in 2004 borrowed from Free The Press at Furniture For The People



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