Scroll down for a September 11, 2001 Tribute video - "Imagine" - It is awesome!

Yesterday - Words on the "Attack on America" 

September 11, 2001

Wednesday, September 12, 2001

“Yesterday. All my troubles seemed so far away.” - This song, Yesterday, rings in my mind as I write these words. 

Yesterday was September 11, 2001 and . . .

It started out a day just like every other day. Just like yesterday. I returned home from taking my daughter to school where only Friday they received a bomb threat at day break. It stopped the routine for several hours and then things were back to normal. I wondered what is becoming of our land as I heard of another bomb threat called into an other high school at the same time. But this day, September 11, 2001, would rock my imagination.

It started out just like every other day. I arrived home and went about a normal routine. My husband and I were sharing conversation, planning on enjoying our day off from work. Then a phone call.

“Turn the TV on, a plane has crashed into the world trade center!” Wow, I thought. As I turned on the TV, I saw what turned out to be the most horrific sights I had ever seen. My husband and I watched to our horror. Unbelief. Unreal. It’s like a movie. We watched as did many others. Watching the replay of the second plane crash into the trade center only minutes after it occurred, I was in awe. I watched the explosions, I watched the fires consume. I watched from more than a thousand miles away as nameless faces peered out the windows looking for salvation. I watched as the buildings tumbled down. Video replays of desperate souls jumping from blazing buildings.

And concurrently there were alerts to Washington DC. And in Arlington, VA. The Pentagon is ablaze as another hijacked plane suicides. Then word comes of a plane crash outside of Pittsburgh, PA. Another hijacking, this one missing a target, but lethal nonetheless. There are no survivors. God bless their souls, the sacrificed lives of this horrific day.

I weep for those people. I cry for the strangers. Though I know them not, they are Americans. This is America. This is my country. These are my countrymen. I grieve. I weep for your lover. I weep for your mother and your father. I weep for your sister and your brother, your child and your friend. I weep and I pray that God will give your breaking hearts comfort.

Friday, September 14, 2001

 National Day of Prayer and Remembrance

On this day set aside for a day of prayer and remembrances, I pray that God will see us all through the agony that lies ahead. I pray for those that feel the pain intimately with immediate losses. God give them comfort. Give strength to them that must endure the long hours ahead relentlessly searching for lives to save.

Let us not forget that life is a precious gift. Let us cherish each moment. Let us find comfort in the arms and voices of our friends, our families, our loved ones. Let us help each other without expecting anything in return. Let us give support to our president and our military in this time. Let’s continue to overlook the differences that once seemed so important and hold hands with our fellow Americans. Let us show our gratitude and thank someone today for what they do; for this inhumane disaster has made it very clear that there might not come another chance if we let this one slip by.

No, we won’t soon forget. Today we remember. Tomorrow we remember. Forever we will remember. For each life that is lost there is someone who will remember them and they will live on in our hearts. For those of us who were fortunate enough not to have lost someone close, we will remember too. For we might not have lost a loved one, but we share in your pain. It is this nation’s pain too and we are “one nation under God;” we are Americans! We are citizens of the greatest country to ever exist. We will overcome this tragedy with victory!

Victory. In my prayers today, I also pray for retribution. Revenge. Restitution. Harsh actions swiftly carried out on those that have so ruthlessly hurt and taken the lives of our families, our friends, our loved ones and our countrymen. No mercy to you that have inflicted such pain in the lives of the survivors that must continue to live with this pain. In each tear that we cry, in each moment that we mourn, we scream out support for this country and its effort to see that justice is served. We pray for vengeance. 

Forgive us, I pray, if wanting this revenge is wrong. But I must ask for the satisfaction of knowing that these terrorists that hurt this nation so deeply will never hurt another in this way again.

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